
How to Have Your Own Hot Girl Summer

I'm a summer girl. I just am.

There's not much I enjoy more than a day by the pool or at the beach with a can't put down book. I love the feeling of slightly sandy, chlorinated skin, and the smell of sunscreen. Longer, less structured days and the opportunity to  slow down a little - and not feel guilty about it.

Admittedly I feel like the "hot girl summer" terminology is kind of cringe but ... hot girl summer isn't really about the physical it's about how you FEEL. It's about embracing the season, and soaking up all things summery.
Apparently the official definition comes from its creator, rapper Megan Thee Stallion, who defined Hot Girl Summer as, “just basically about women — and men — just being unapologetically them, just having a [good] time, hyping up your friends, doing you, not giving a damn about what nobody got to say about it”.

Your own version of a hot girl summer should involve whatever makes YOU feel your best.
So that said let's all embrace our confident girl summer.

Here are 10 simple ways to make the most of your summer while feeling really good in your skin.

1. Schedule your self care non negotiables. These are different for everyone, but most of us have a few things that give us that extra pep in our step. If you know certain rituals make you feel more confidant plan for them now - whether that means booking a facial, fresh highlights, getting your brows done ... whatever it is that fits your budget and makes you feel a little extra put together.

2. Take advantage of  summer produce, and cook with what's in season. I love berries with breakfast, snacking on cherries ,  grilling summer zucchini, and making watermelon salads.

3. Create a realistic feel good workout plan. When summer gets under way we don't want to have to overthink our routine. If you find a style of movement that you enjoy it becomes habit, and you're more likely to stick with it. This is the time of year where time can feel extra precious - fortunately you can get in a quality workout in 15-20 minutes . (Head to my instagram for quick and effective workout ideas.)

4. Let go of your insecurities. Trust me nobody cares if you have a little cellulite or stretch marks on your thighs. Obsessing is a waste of energy.

5. Invest in swimwear that makes you feel confidant. This can take some trial and error, but is worth the effort. And to all my Moms - get in the pool on a hot day with your kids! You don't want to look back one day, and wish you had.

6. Embrace a  natural, beachy look. In the summer I let my hair air dry more often, throw on some tinted SPF and let my freckles - that appear no matter how much sunscreen or how many hats I wear - shine. Summer beauty is all about paring things down.

7. Spend time with people who make you feel good. Limit time with energy vampires. The people we surround ourselves with have a significant effect on how we feel about ourselves.

8. Get your toughest work / life tasks done early in the day so they aren't hanging over your head. I try to front load my weeks as well work wise so I have a bit more flexibility at the end of the week for fun. (Plus we just feel better about ourselves when we don't procrastinate, and check things off our to do list.)

9. Plan an activity you can only do in the summer. I'm planning to go stand up paddle boarding at the beach with friends!

10. Wear your sunscreen - and reapply often. Trust. Your future skin will thank you.

Happy Summer, loves!

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